[NEWS]3 years pensioner manages to outsmart cruel PayPal fraudsters 

3 years pensioner manages to outsmart cruel PayPal fraudsters 

John Richards, a 73-year-old technician from North Yorkshire, was able to turn the tables on hackers after they approached him at 2am on August 3, posing as his best friend on Facebook.

John Richards, 73, was approached by his "friend" on Facebook at 2am

clever pensioner has revealed how he managed to outwit a group PayPal fraudsters, after they contacted him at 2am for "help", pretending to be his friend.

John Richards, a 73-year-old technician from North Yorkshire, was able to turn the tables on the hackers after they approached him on August 3, posing as his friend on Facebook.
"Can you help me receive a payment for my camera if you know how to?" the Facebook message read.
"It didn't seem usual for him to I agreed to help, " Richards told Mirror Money.
"He asked if he could use my PayPal account to collect the money from the buyer, so I sent over my details and agreed to help him."
New PayPal scam circulating
The person claimed they'd just sold a camera online 

However, in the minutes that followed, five payments, amounting to £690 each, arrived in his account. Richard became suspicious.
"All this for a camera?" he asked his friend, concerned.

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