[ENTERTAINMENT]REKIYA ATTA: I got Queen Mother role on my first audition

REKIYA ATTA: I got Queen Mother role on my first audition

Rekiya Ibrahim Atta is a Nollywood actress and producer who have made an impact in the sector. In this interview with Yetunde Oladeinde, she talks about early life, first audition in Jos, Plateau State, and memorable moments.

TELL us about your passion for acting. How did it start?
I won’t really refer to my acting as a new one, in the sense that my passion for acting started very early in my life and I would trace it back to my childhood. Growing up, I had three animated siblings in terms of upbringing.
We played a lot and in those days we would sit down and watch TV from when the sound tones were on. We could tell the whole programme schedule for the day or sometimes a week. We would recount and after watching programmes, my siblings and I would have fun just repeating everything that we had seen on TV especially discussion programmes which we called sully, sully.
As far as we were concerned, sully, sully came from the fact that we couldn’t understand that level of English. People came on and they had an accent and so we could re-enact all of that and had fun laughing. 
I also remembered that at primary school, I would represent my school at various drama events and shows in secondary school. 
I was also highly activated because I was the president of the literary and debating club. I wrote a play once that the school staged when I was in secondary school. Passion for acting has always been there but if you want to refer to the fact that I probably took a break from Nollywood for some time, yes. But coming back was fun for me.
 I always knew I was going to come back anyway. I took a break for personal reasons but I am back. And I am having fun, so far.
The sector is full of a lot of memorable things. I remember when the industry started, then the entire crop of actors in the country would rendezvous at abe igi, which was some spot at the National Theatre. It was the hub of actors in Nigeria and every actor was there at kiosk-9. I don’t know where those people are now. But coming from that background, you can see how blown up the industry has become. Now, no one can boast or say I know everyone in the industry anymore. There are new people coming up and it’s the largest place for youths in Nigeria right now.
For me, it brings back sweet memories. Every time, I remember those times, growing up in the industry and where it is right now.
That came with some of the very good hands in the industry, who are veterans now. But I have got quite a bit of stack of memories of the industry and enjoyed every bit of it.

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